- An ema is a small wooden board that we write our wishes on and offer at a Shinto shrine. (=絵馬は小さい木製の板で、願い事を書いて神社に納めます)
- There are ema that come with stickers to hide our names and wishes.(=名前と願い事を隠すステッカーをはる絵馬もあります)
- We also offer an ema with words of thanks when our wishes come true.(=願い事が叶うと、絵馬を感謝の言葉を添えて絵馬を奉納します)
An ema is a wooden plaque that you write a wish or prayer on. People buy one at a Shinto shrine, write a wish on it, and hang it up at the shrine so (that) the gods will find it.
An ema is a small wooden plaque that you can buy at a shrine. You write a wish on it and hang it up at the shrine so your wish will come true.
出典:『知ってる英語で何でも話せる! 発想転換トレーニング』 (音声ダウンロード付き)著者: 田尻 悟郎 / 出版: コスモピア
- wooden board:木の板
- offer:提供する、差し出す
- Shinto shrine:神宮
- come with ~:~を備えた、~付きの
- hide:隠す
- plaque:額、飾り板
- hang up:かける、吊るす
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