- I hear (that) this year it will rain very little during the rainy season. I’m afraid we will not have enough water.
(=今年は梅雨にあまり雨が降らないと聞いているので、水不足を恐れています) - They say (that) we will have little rain during the rainy season this year. There is concern about a water shortage.
(=今年は梅雨にあまり雨が降らなさそう。だから水不足が心配だ) - According to the weather forecast, we will have a dry rainy season this year, so there is a possibility of a water shortage.
They say it won’t rain much this rainy season [this year], so there could be a water shortage.(=今年は空梅雨だそうで水不足が心配される)
It’ll be a dry rainy season this year, and they’re worried about a water shortage.(=今年は空梅雨になりそうだから、水不足が心配だ)
The forecast says it’s going to be a dry rainy season, so there could be a water shortage.(=天気予報によると今年は空梅雨になりそうで、水不足が心配です)
It may not rain much this year, so there could be a water shortage.
出典:『知ってる英語で何でも話せる! 発想転換トレーニング』 (音声ダウンロード付き)著者: 田尻 悟郎 / 出版: コスモピア
- afraid:恐れて、心配して
- concern about:心配する、関係する
- water shortage:水不足
- According to ~:~によれば、~次第で
- weather forecast:天気予報
- a dry rainy season:空梅雨
- possibility of:可能性、実現性
- worry about ~:~について心配する
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