First, the reader is chosen.
The reader takes all the picture cards.
The other players sit in a circle on the floor and spread the letter cards face up in the center of the circle.
The reader shuffles the picture cards, takes one, and starts reading the poem out loud.
The players look for the letter card that matches the picture card.
The first person who finds the matching card shouts “hai” and takes it.
This is repeated till all 100 cards are read.
Needless to say, the player with the most cards is the winner.
出典:コスモピア eステーション『英語で語るニッポン』
Pick up!キーワード
- reader:読み手、読む人
- picture card:絵札
- sit:座る
- shuffle:(トランプなどを)切る、ごちゃまぜにする
- match:合う
- repeat:繰り返す