Hyakunin Isshu is a card game of 100 tanka cards which were written by 100 poets who lived in the 7th to the 13th the centuries.
At first, they were collected as a poetry book in the 13th century, but now it’s known as a card game, and people play it as a New Year’s custom.
A set of Hyakunin Isshu has 100 reading cards and 100 picture cards.
(=ひと組の百人一首には100枚の字札と100枚の絵札があります)Each picture card has a complete tanka poem, as well as the name and picture of the poet who wrote it.
Each letter card has the second half of the poem.
出典:コスモピア eステーション『英語で語るニッポン』
Pick up!キーワード
- poet:歌人、詩人
- poetry book:歌集、詩集
- New Year’s custom:新年の風習
- reading card, letter card:文字札
- picture card:絵札
- second half of ~:~の後半
ちなみに「前半」はもちろん「first half」(直訳すると「最初の半分」)です♪