In an okonomiyaki restaurant you sit around a hot iron griddle called a teppan, and the food is cooked in front of you.
In some restaurants you order the ingredients, then mix them together and cook them on the teppan yourself.
You can make your own original okonomiyaki. It’s a lot of fun!
出典:コスモピア eステーション『英語で語るニッポン』
Pick up!キーワード
- griddle:鉄板、グリドル
- in front of ~ :~の前に(で)
- ingredient:材料、具材
- It’s a lot of fun:とても楽しい
「It’s a lot of fun」を過去形にすると「It was a lot of fun」。「楽しかったよ!」と感想を伝えるときによく使われます♪