The arrival times of Japanese trains and subways are very reliable.
In the morning and evening, during the rush hour, trains arrive every three to five minutes in central urban areas, so usually missing one train is not a big problem.
But once you get used to this system, only a minute could cause you problems.
出典:コスモピア eステーション『英語で語るニッポン』
Pick up!キーワード
- arrival time:到着時刻
- subway:地下鉄
- reliable:信頼できる
- every three to five minutes:3から5分置きに
- get used to 〜:〜に慣れる
「every three minutes」(=3分置きに)という言い回しは、日常会話でもよく使われる、覚えておくと便利な英語表現ですよ♪