Otaku are people who have a strong interest and fascination in things like manga, anime and so on.
They have their own virtual universe.
Sometimes their personalities are described as inward and they are characterized as staying in home all the time but in the real world there are many otaku around you.
There’s no strict line between who is otaku and who is not.
(=だれがオタクでだれがそうでないかという明確な境界線はないのです)出典:コスモピア eステーション『英語で語るニッポン』
Pick up!キーワード
- interest:興味、関心
- fascination:魅力
- ~ and so on:~など
- inward:内部へ、内側へ
- real world:実社会、現実社会
- line:線、境界線
「境界線」を意味する英語はほかに「border line」「boundary」などがあります♪