ANZACとはAustralia and New Zealand Army Corpsの略で、
4月25日にはオーストラリア各地でthe Dawn Service、行進、花輪の贈呈、演説などが行われます。
シドニーのメインストリート、George St.での行進を見るために集まった沢山の人々。
G’day, everyone!
Anzac Day is a national holiday in Australia(as well as New Zealand, Cook Islands, Niue, Pitcairn, and Tonga) to honor the members of the ANZAC.
ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.
ANZAC day is probably one of the most important national occasion.
On the ANZAC Day, Ceremonies such as the Dawn Service, Marching, Presentation of Garlands, Speeches take place among many parts of the country.
The photo was taken in 2008 in Sydney.
The crowd to see the marching in the Sydney’s main street “George St.”.
ANZAC biscuits. It has been claimed the biscuits were sent by wives to soldiers abroad during the World War.
Because the ingredients(=rolled oats, flour, desiccated coconut, suger, butter, golden syrup, baking soda) do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation. Today, Anzac biscuits are manufactured commercially for retail sale.
Pray for peace.